
July 1, 2014

Redoing Floor #3




Oh my goodness, I am beat.

Done with the kitchen floor. Since it it was a tight space and needed to cut the wood a lot to fit, we did a dry run the entire kitchen. It was good, because we found out that we were so close to running out of the boards.

We actually thought we did not have enough to finish, but it was my oversight and the Man of the House found the pile of boards I missed. So the worst situation of not being able to finish was averted but we barely made it. We did not have enough to finish the pantry floor so we decided to do the pantry floor with some other type of floor material.
Even without the pantry floor, though, we were really close; we only had one 3-foot board to spare.

I think we had a good teamwork today and I am really happy that we actually finished it all.
The Man of the House can do the pantry floor later on his own since he's off the entire week this week.
Phew, I am really beat.

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