
February 28, 2017

WTF UK: Laundry in the Kitchen


It is common to have a washing machine under a kitchen counter here. I mean, I can understand it; it's easier to run the water/drain pipe in the kitchen but it is so inconvenient... Why can't they just put the washing machine in the bathroom instead, if the size of the house doesn't allow a separate laundry room? Or put it in the closet?

One, I don't want to take out the laundry from the dryer when the food is out (same reason why I don't vacuum when food is out), and two, I have to keep the kitchen counter free from bread crumbs and what not, otherwise clean laundry gets dirty (and I'm not the cleanest person in the world).

This house has this nice fancy cabinet doors that hide the washing machine and the dryer, but then I have to open door after door to move the laundry between the two.

I shouldn't complain. I was fortunate that this house came with a dryer. It appears the dryer is not that common in small houses and flats here. But I'm just saying, I don't like doing laundry in the kitchen.

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