
May 16, 2015

10 Pound Weight Loss Challenge





Eggplants, banana peppers, and shishito peppers from the garden.
My weight has broken my record weight recently and I have started my 10 pound weight loss challenge. I'm not going to call it a diet because it has to be a sustainable lifestyle change. I only have a couple pairs of jeans that I can fit and my fitted button down shirts are about to burst. Yes, the time has come.

In order to motivate myself, and to put myself in check, I do tell people that I am on my mission to lose 10 pounds. However, the standard weight in this country has changed so much that people just don't understand my need to lose weight.

Yes, it is what Jillian may call "vanity weight," the weight that you want to lose even though you are already in the normal BMI. I am not overweight in BMI standard, but that's not the point. I am overweight for my body, and I feel so bloated and flabby. Don't get me wrong, even if I reach my target weight, I will still be within normal BMI.

I have known it for a few years now that my portion size has gotten bigger and bigger. The other day, I ate a whole burrito at Chipotle. I can eat a foot long Subway, too, if I want to. 10 years ago, a Whopper felt ginormous.

So as my first step to a sustainable and healthy weight loss, I have started counting calories and restricting caloric intake. I am not an athletic person so losing weight by exercising more wouldn't last. But counting calories is a big eye opener. I have been eating just too much for my size and activity level.

I don't know how successful I will be. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by July. We shall see.

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