
May 31, 2015

In The Oven

Summer time, for real. The time has come that the thermometer goes triple digits.
Going out during the day is tough.
If you walk in the packed parking lot, that's basically what a turkey feels in the oven.

May 30, 2015

Movie: Once

ちょっと古いんだけど「Once ダブリンの街角で」という2006年の映画。
It's been a while since I watched a movie worth mentioning.
I just watched "Once."
A broken-hearted busker meets a street vendor girl in a Dublin street corner and gets to know each other through music. Very platonic.

What was so good about this movie was the music. The music had the perfect tone for the movie, and I just like watching people play and sing for real.
It is a very indie movie with low budget and the texture is almost documentary film like quality, but it just works that way.
I can watch the guitar store scene over and over. The song won an Oscar. How come I did not know anything about this movie until now.

May 20, 2015

Do It Right: Attempt to Make a Moulage



I was making New Look 6184. I made a muslin and the bodice fit was terrible. So I made a muslin #2. Again, the bodice fit is still not right.
I know it's my non-standard rectangular bodice shape, which has square shoulder? narrow shoulder? and non-existent waist. (The skirt is a simple straight skirt so I just need to slim down the hip a bit.)

I got tired of tweaking the pattern, tracing and slashing so many times, so I have decided to make a sloper.
I have purchased Suzy Furrer's Craftsy course when it was on sale and watched it before. Now is the time to actually do it. Let's do it right.

The course starts from making a moulage first. I drafted my moulage but my side was too long.
I measured a few times and had MOTH measured me too but my measurement is right.
In the discussion, Suzy was recommending other people having the same issue to just shorten the side so I will do the same. Let's see what happens.

May 18, 2015

Matt's Wild Cherry

The Man of the House grew a few Matt's Wild Cherry seeds during the winter. Two of the seedlings were planted in this peninsula part of the raised flower bed. Just two. They have grown to be green wall of wild creature. There were strawberries next to them too but can't even see them any more.

The plants really grow wild. Its stems, despite my effort of getting rid of the suckers (I'm a sucker police) grow everywhere. There is a fan palm behind it and the stems are just growing around the palm tree using the palm tree as a support. You can barely see the very top of the fan palm.

I plead MOTH to cut off the cascading part of the stems but oh no, he's so babying these tomato plants.

May 17, 2015

Next Project: New Look 6184

My next sewing project is New Look 6184. I will make a view D, which has square neck line and straight skirt.

May 16, 2015

10 Pound Weight Loss Challenge





Eggplants, banana peppers, and shishito peppers from the garden.
My weight has broken my record weight recently and I have started my 10 pound weight loss challenge. I'm not going to call it a diet because it has to be a sustainable lifestyle change. I only have a couple pairs of jeans that I can fit and my fitted button down shirts are about to burst. Yes, the time has come.

In order to motivate myself, and to put myself in check, I do tell people that I am on my mission to lose 10 pounds. However, the standard weight in this country has changed so much that people just don't understand my need to lose weight.

Yes, it is what Jillian may call "vanity weight," the weight that you want to lose even though you are already in the normal BMI. I am not overweight in BMI standard, but that's not the point. I am overweight for my body, and I feel so bloated and flabby. Don't get me wrong, even if I reach my target weight, I will still be within normal BMI.

I have known it for a few years now that my portion size has gotten bigger and bigger. The other day, I ate a whole burrito at Chipotle. I can eat a foot long Subway, too, if I want to. 10 years ago, a Whopper felt ginormous.

So as my first step to a sustainable and healthy weight loss, I have started counting calories and restricting caloric intake. I am not an athletic person so losing weight by exercising more wouldn't last. But counting calories is a big eye opener. I have been eating just too much for my size and activity level.

I don't know how successful I will be. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by July. We shall see.

May 7, 2015

Wasabi Pickles

Harvested some eggplants and banana peppers.
Using the instant pickle mix, made some wasabi flavored pickles.
The main was Japanese nasi goreng with shrimp. There are some chopped basil from the garden underneath the eggs too.

May 6, 2015

Ninja Socks!

My mother sent me a pair of ninja socks. Wicked.

May 5, 2015

Key Chain? Key Fob? Wrist Strap?

I don't know what you call it: key fob? key chain? wrist key fob? Anyway, I made one.
Combined with a tiny zipper pouch and the card holder, they were given away as a set.

May 4, 2015

Card Holder


Golden Week, huh? Nice.

Using the same laminated fabric as the tiny zipper pouch, I made a card holder.
I used this tutorial and changed the button & hair elastic closure to wrap around elastic method.

May 3, 2015

Tiny Zipper Pouch

Close enough pattern matching?
Using this mat finish laminated fabric I bought in Japan last year, I made a tiny zipper pouch.
One side has a slip pocket. The other side has a smaller zipper pocket.
Yup, the zipper pocket zipper is wonky.
Yup, one zipper goes one way and the other zipper goes the other.

First time? using a laminated fabric. I like the fact that it does not have to be stabilized and the raw edges do not ravel. But it's hard to press: too low of the temperature, it won't press, and to hot, risk of melting.
I don't have a teflon foot, so just used the scotch tape method. Worked well enough.

I think I have been in this crafty sewing spiral too long and need to get out...

May 2, 2015

Pickled Carrots

Made some "asazuke" with our last carrots.
When I chopped the pickled carrots and put it on the side of my left over curry and left over jasmine rice, well, it is just like "fukujinzuke." It's not sweet like real fukujinzuke, but picked carrots did go well with curry & rice.

May 1, 2015

Recycled Kimono Zipper Pouch

While I had all the materials still spread out on my table, I made another zipper pouch. A bit smaller than the last one. I'm not too happy about the kimono fabric versus gray accent fabric ratio but this will have to do since I am seriously getting bored with the repeats of projects.

I am going to make a business card holder with this fabric for one last project. I am planning to give the card holder and a pouch to a co-league of Man of the House. I made her the business card holder a few years ago and she supposedly uses it as a wallet every day. MOTH was saying that the card holder is getting a bit tattered. Isn't that nice that someone actually uses the stuff that I made?