
May 29, 2014

Sis Boom Meghan Peasant Dress

Sis Boom Meghan Peasant Dress Front
Sis Boom Meghan Peasant Dress

Originally cut XS and made it straight XS following the instruction exactly. ...WRONG idea.

The instruction is kind of ...weird at a few parts of the construction and I would change the order if I ever make this again. It tells you to hem the sleeve flat but leaving 1/2 inch at both ends then it tells you to sew side seams while you hold the unhemmed edge of the sleeve, then finish the hemming of the sleeve. Same for the neck opening. I prefer just hem it as a tube instead of fiddling with the 1/2'' edge.

Also, according to my measurements, I am actually size Small, but went down a size hoping to have a more fitted style.
Even XS was too maternity, a serious 6-month-preggo look. Ended up making a center back seam, taking in 2.5", and took in 1.25" from each of the front sides.

The length of the elastic called for in the instruction is also too short as many of the reviewers mentioned.

I am just glad that I was able to somehow salvage it with my very limited sewing skill and knowledge.