
April 6, 2020

Sewing Face Masks 2


It's interesting to see how resistant Americans are to wearing a face mask. In Japan, it's pretty normal for people to wear masks in public when they are sick from cold or having seasonal allergy symptoms. (Japan has a really large population of people who suffer hay fever. Decades of neglect from clearing woods and forest has dramatically increased the amount of pollen flying around during spring) If you go to a drug store, you can find a variety of different types and shapes of masks (though of course not right now), and many people do have masks with some filtration capability at home. I mean, the Prime Minister of Japan is talking in a press conference with a mask on. So, naturally, everyone in Japan is now wearing masks and if you are not wearing a mask, I'm sure people will look at you with an evil eye.

Anyway, I made more masks for family and friends. Again, I use the Olson Mask pattern, and using the disposable mask as a filter. This pattern is definitely not suited for mass making, but I was making only 14 so it was not too bad.

Unfortunately, I didn't have many quilting cotton at hand. These are pretty much just scraps I had kept from other projects.

Below is how it looks inside the mask with the disposable mask inserted as a filter. This one is my 2nd pair so that I can wear this one while my other pair is in a wash.

I kept the chin dart from my customization but didn't do the pleat at the side and left the side length as is. I cut the ear elastic long enough for people to adjust the fit. I also shaved off just a bit of the curve of inside pocket piece to reduce the bagginess inside (in the picture below, see the "Mouth 2" piece at left bottom row, the far left curve).

I know so many sewers are volunteering to make masks right now and I am planning to take some time off work to join the sewing marathon as soon as I get my supplies!

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