
June 1, 2017

London Comic Con


I went to London Comic Con in my Zoe costume. Very first comic con in my very first cosplay (if you don't count my dirndl).

Obligatory photo request to Storm Troopers.

The reason why I chose to do Firefly cosplay was because River (Summer Glau) and Simon (Sean Maher) were coming to the Comic Con as guest stars. I did not go for the autograph or photo shoot with them, but instead, I grabbed a girl who was coming as Kaylee (Jewel Staite) and asked for a photo. She was very nice and she even looked a lot like Jewel Staite, too. (I did see a few more Kaylees and Jaynes, but did not see any Mal or any other Zoe)

We also took a cable car ride over River Thames. The mound shaped building on the left is O2, an arena. Iron Maiden was coming there for a concert that night.

It was very interesting to see all the cosplayers. Some costumes looked very cheap, but so many people come in full gear with all the make up and wigs and props, and costumes that look so uncomfortable to wear and walk around in the crowd all day.

I did not feel too weird walking through the convention area because people are just walking by, but once I was outside lawn area where all the cosplayers were having different meet-ups, I felt like I was in a different world.

Rainbow colors of hair; all sorts of clothing from men in unitard to armors, furs, and exoskeleton; people of all races from human to robots to Sith Lords to Hobbits, etc, etc, etc. It was definitely Imaginationland from South Park. I wished that would be our future in real life too, different people accepting their difference in their appearance and their culture and admire each group's creation.

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