
March 23, 2016

A Little Bit of Japan in L.A.

While we were in Los Angeles, I enjoyed a little bit of Japan there.

We stopped by Kinokuniya (a book store) and bought some Japanese comic books called Saint Young Men. I had bought volumes 1 through 4 when I was in Japan a couple of years ago, and wanted to buy more. It's a story about Jesus and Buddha sharing an apartment in Tokyo while vacationing on Earth. If you want to know Japanese religiosity, this book is a great example.
I also bought my very first Japanese sewing book. It is Simple Chic/Dress Up Dress Down by Machiko Kayaki. I usually do not like Japanese sewing fashion because they are all like a pillowcase dress, but this one has many basic styles that I can totally see myself wearing.
I know, I have to go back to my sewing room soon.

March 20, 2016

Spring Break and Harry Potter


We had a short visit to Los Angeles for our spring break.

Since it was a 4-day trip and I could get away with a carry-on luggage, I was finally able to use my weekend duffel bag I made last year. Here are my thoughts on the bag: definitely need a shoulder pad for the shoulder strap, and need to stitch down the D ring on the bag where the shoulder straps are hooked since the D rings are loose in the tab and they rotate around. Other than that, it was a perfect size for this short trip.

Our main thing in the trip was to go to the Universal Studio. We were lucky that the Harry Potter was open (which is not officially open until April) so we totally had fun in Hogsmead. I even bought a Griffindor hoodie. Yup, tried the butterbeer, too.

Though I enjoyed the Universal very much, I have to say I was very disappointed at the recent trend of 3D rides. One, I do not like wearing the 3D glasses, because I have to wear them over my regular glasses, and two, I think it's lazy for the builders to rely do much on 3D visual effects.

At least I enjoyed the "Flight of the Hippogriff" ride (a proper, though very short, roller coaster in a Hippogriff shaped basket), and rode it twice. And the "Mummy" ride (roller coaster in pitch-blackness) was properly scary.

March 9, 2016

Valley Fever


So it has been confirmed by blood test that our hyena dog has Valley Fever.
We went to the vet on Sunday and started on medication that night and by Monday night, she was MUCH better, so we knew it must have been Valley Fever. We are kind of glad that now we know why she has been sick.

Valley Fever in this desert region is pretty common in dogs; it is said that 1 in 4 dogs here get valley fever. Our other dog was on medication for 6 months when she had it and she's been doing good since so hopefully this one can shake off the disease soon, too.

One concern, though, is the price hike on medication. Fluconazole (Diflucan) is the most common anti-fungal medication and its price has hiked up as much as 10 times in the last few years. One-month's supply of Fluconazole can easily be $150.

I called 5 different pharmacies and researched what's available online. Walgreens was the most expensive: whopping $12.89 per tablet. Just 1 tablet! (and she will need 2 tablets a day). We may have to get compounded version, which is much cheaper.

At least she is reacting pretty well on the medication and she's not pathetically sick like she was last week so I'm grateful for that.

March 6, 2016

Third Time is a Charm?

So the dog is still not doing any better, and last night, she started coughing.
In this desert climate, a fungal infection called valley fever is pretty common for dogs, and the most common symptom is coughing.
Our other dog had it 3 years ago.

So we have to re-group our thinking; maybe the joint pain and lethargy she was having was part of valley fever symptoms?
Hence our third visit to the vet in 2 weeks.
After another round of $350, she had a laser therapy for the knee and we will get the titer test result in a few days.
Now, in addition to phenobarbital and potassium bromide for the other dog, our hyena dog will have to take cough tablet, antibiotic, Tramadol, NSAID, and fluconazole.
Need to cook some rice to calm her stomach.