
February 24, 2016

Dog and Renewing Residency


Our dog had been having a difficulty getting up. We suspected hip dysplasia and took her to a vet.
After an x-ray was done, we were told nothing was wrong with her.
After having taken off work early (both myself and the Man of the House) and having spent $120 at the vet, she seems to be doing just fine. Not complaining; better for her to be well than confirming an illness.

But we incidentally found that there might be a BB or something (the bright white dot on her flank of the x-ray) in her. We can't feel it from outside and there is no scar either. Maybe she got shot while she was a stray?

By the way.
My permanent resident card will expire in the summer so I have applied for a renewal. It's kind of oxymoron to say that I have to "renew" my "permanent" residency. Technically, residency is permanent, but the card expires every 10 years. Without a card to prove my permanent residency, however, I would be as undocumented as an illegal immigrant.

The government website says you "may" apply renewal within 6 months of expiration. But the process takes, supposedly, 4 to 5 months, so I take it you "should" start the process right at the 6 months mark. Let's see how long it will take for me.

The application fee was a whopping $450. Ouch. I wonder how much those millions of "undocumented" immigrants are going to have to pay when the government allows a "path to citizenship" in the near future. None?

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